
Classic Advert

Profile rates

New featured view!!!

New featured view!!!

Your Profile Advert includes:

  • Optimal exposure for your services, on the industry leader’s website.
  • Multilingual customer service team for support.

30 dagen


XEscorts agentschap

30 dagen


Escort Agency

Profile rates

Your Escort Agency includes:

  • Optimal exposure for your business, on the industry traffic leader’s website.
  • 1 Agency Advert, with the possibility of adding unlimited Escort Profile Adverts.


Available Now

Get more bookings right now!

Available now feature

What is it?

A special frame for your thumbnail with a flashing icon, with the starting time of when you are available.

Where does it appear?

Wherever your advert appears, you will be tagged as Available Now.
Plus, you appear in the Available Now page filter.

For how long?

Active for 60 minutes, starting from the time that you choose.

10 nu beschikbaar


25 nu beschikbaar


100 nu beschikbaar


Double Ad
Size matters!

Double Ad feature

What is it ?

Double the size of your Profile Advert.

Where does it appear?

Wherever your advert appears, it will be XL size!

For how long ?

Active for 24 hours, starting from the time that you choose.

24 uur

Skip to no 1!

Reactivation rates

What is it?

A reactivation is a premium product which gets you seen by potential clients by putting your advert in the prime position on the site.

How does it work?

A reactivation slot moves your advert to the first position of the homepage and location pages. You choose when this takes place, giving you the chance to maximise exposure at prime times.

For how long?

Adverts change position according to how many adverts we have on the page.
Newly activated adverts are placed first.

1 Reactiveren

5 Reactiveren


10 Reactiveren


TOP Advert
Be on TOP!

TOP Advert rates

What is it?

Better visibility and bigger format than the Profile Advert, with a personalized design. Get more calls now!

Where does it appear?

Always at the top of the page, where the punters look first.

For how long?

For 30 days.

What is the position?

Guaranteed position in the TOP section. TOP Adverts rotate randomly within the section.

3 dagen


7 dagen


10 dagen


30 dagen


Double TOP Advert
The biggest of all!

Double TOP Advert rates

What is it?

The best visibility of all upgrades, and the best value for your money! Double the size of a TOP Advert with a personalized design.

Where does it appear?

Always at the top of the page, where the punters look first.

For how long?

For 30 days.

What is the position?

Guaranteed position in the TOP section. TOP Adverts rotate randomly within the section.

3 dagen


7 dagen


10 dagen


30 dagen


Get Extra Visibility!

Stories rates

What is it?

The best alternative to gain extra visibility, quickly get the attention of potential clients with your content at the TOP of the site!

Where does it appear?

Always at the top of the page, where the punters look first.

For how long?

Active for 24 hours from the time that you post your stories.

What is the position?

Stories change position according to how many of them are published on the site but are always at the TOP of the page.
Newest stories are placed first!

1 Story


5 Stories


10 Stories


Do you have any question?

Heeft u een vraag? Bel ons op +44 203 5889532 en spreek met ons verkoopteam.

contact nu

About Credit & Rates







Gelieve er rekening mee te houden dat door de waardevermindering van de Engelse Pond de kosten voor kredieten op het moment door fluctueringen beïnvloed worden. Hierdoor kunnen de kosten voor advertenties uitvallen.

Dit kunnen wij niet beïnvloeden.
U kunt de koersen nagaan op

Wat zijn credits

Op al onze websites kunt u nu onze producten en functies selecteren die, om dingen gemakkelijker te maken, nu in Credits zijn geprijsd. Of u nu betaalt in Euro, Sterling of een andere valuta, deze wordt geconverteerd naar Credits die u vervolgens kunt gebruiken om artikelen te kopen zoals reactivaties en TOP-advertenties. Dit betekent ook dat u "extra" geld kunt toevoegen aan uw creditsaldo dat op uw account blijft staan om snel aankopen te doen wanneer u maar wilt, waardoor betalingen niet steeds opnieuw hoeven te worden gedaan. Dit is geweldig voor het activeren van services zoals het reactiveren van uw startpagina en TOP-advertenties en geeft u 24/7 de volledige controle over uw advertentie. Neem voor vragen contact met ons op.