Giant dildo War Takes Place In New York!
August 14, 2015

You can always count on the Americans to be outrageous with the things they do, and last weekend in New York it was no difference. One man took to Union Square with the aim of raising awareness of STIs, and he did it with dildos at the ready.
Yes, this eccentric man decided that the best way to get people thinking about their own safety in bed was to gather them around and give them dildos… but it didn’t go the way you think it did. No, they didn’t all start using them on themselves. They used them on others… by hitting them with the 10 inch whoppers.
If you’re wondering just how a giant dildo war could possibly raise awareness of STI prevention, you might want to read on. It gets even better!
Alex Xander
The fake penis party that took place in Union Square in New York was all organised by Alex Xander, the star of the show Xander World. He is a man totally committed to fighting STIs and STDs, and making sure that people know what to do to keep themselves safe.
A lot of his work focuses on the importance of getting regular HIV and STI checks, but he felt that he wasn’t having the impact he wanted. There were still too many people out there taking risks and not getting checked out, so Xander decided to do something completely ridiculous. He managed to get 4,000 dildos together specifically so that he could put teams against each other in the streets of New York, and he called it #DildoWars.
Okay, so you might be wondering why a giant dildo war would help to raise awareness of STIs and STDs, but this is where Xander has been very clever. He knows that standing on the streets and handing out condoms and information leaflets doesn’t work. He knows that people will keep the condoms and throw the leaflets in the bin because, let’s face it, how many of us haven’t done that?
Instead, he decided that splitting a large group of people into two teams and giving them dildos to attack each other with was the best way. For a start, the packs they would be given containing the dildos also had a handy leaflet describing the different STDs and STIs in detail, and where you could go to get checked out. They also contained condoms so that people could then go off and have safe sex.
The most genius part of the plan, however, was the naming of the event. By calling it #DildoWars, Xander was already prepared for it to hit social media. He knew that, once it hit social media and went viral, people would be eager to find out more, and so his safe sex message would spread a lot easier. Pretty clever, right?
Running into problems
Of course, you can’t really just organise a giant dildo war to take place in Union Square and expect people not to get upset. Despite the fact that Xander described Union Square as the “weirdo capital of the world”, there were some who believed that it wasn’t appropriate to do.
He received a letter saying that “you have not applied for or received any permit to make use of the space at this time”, and that following the Parks Rules & Regulations “no one is permitted to hold any special event without a permit”.
The letter went on to state that “an event with 800 people on a busy Saturday, at the same time the Greenmarket is open, is too many to be safely accommodated in Union Square. It is potentially dangerous to both attendees and the general public.”
“We therefore demand that this event be cancelled immediately… should you proceed with this event, you may be found in violation of the law and be subject to criminal and civil penalties,” the letter finished, making it pretty clear in the minds of everyone that the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation did not want this event to go ahead.
Xander is not one to give in that easily. He felt that moving the location would be “giving in” and that it was much easier to simply go ahead with the event and accept the punishment he might get if they were to take further action against him. After all, he had an important message to spread!
Instead the event was simply changed to the Sunday, and at three in the morning the team start packing the 4,000 dildos into a van. On the morning of the war, they prepared for battle, drawing up plans of how the battle would play out. Two sides, one gap in the middle, and 4,000 dildos.
They laid out some ground rules, stating that there would be “no face or below the belt shots”, that these dildos were for “external use only”, and that no-one was allowed to bring their own dildos to the battle. After explaining the rules to every, the #DildoWars team handed out the discreet black bags containing the dildos, condoms, and leaflets, and tried to gather everyone together so that they could start the battle.
It was a huge event, and as the clock struck 3pm on Sunday, people went to war. Dildos were used as batons against each other, some even hurled like javelins across the street, and condoms went flying. Those not involved in the event stopped to film and take in the crowds hitting each other with giant dildos, and it didn’t take long for the event to hit social media.
Whether or not Xander and his team ended up paying the price for their unusual display it isn’t clear, but what is clear is that we can definitely call this a huge success. It will be hard to forget the #DildoWars of 2015 any time soon!
What do you think about this unusual campaign? Is it a great way to raise awareness, or has someone just decided to attach the idea of STI and STD awareness to some random event? Let us know what you think either by leaving a comment in the box below.
What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw a group of people attacking each other with dildos? Would you keep on walking, would you join in, or would you stand by and film it to post on social media later?
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