Help! I’ve Fallen In Love With An Escort!
July 23, 2018

Anyone who has gone on a date with an escort will know just how easy it can be to let your feelings get the better of you. You spend time in the company of a stunning person, being treated in the way that you desire to be. To find that you have fallen in love with an escort isn’t all that rare.
So what can you do if you discover that you have fallen in love with an escort? Our guide below will tell you the best way to deal with it, and the things that you need to avoid.
Acknowledge your feelings
The first thing that you should do is acknowledge the fact that you feel this way. You might want to hide your feelings or simply pretend that you don’t feel this way. The problem is that you will often make the situation worse, especially if you continue on as though nothing has changed.
You’ll need to take a leaf out of Elsa’s book and let it go. Accept the fact that you have now developed feelings for this escort. It is going to make going forward with the situation so much better for both of you.
It might be difficult to do, given the steps you’ll need to take afterwards, but your feelings will change your behaviour. If you try to see them without accepting the change then you’ll act differently around them. They’ll know something is wrong.
Tell the escort
This step can often bring about mixed reactions. Some clients don’t want to admit to their chosen companion that they have fallen in love with them. They’d rather keep it to themselves and continue seeing them as though nothing as changed. They believe that their feelings will go away on their own.
Unfortunately, they won’t. Repressing your feelings is just going to make the situation worse. You should tell the escort you have fallen in love with them. It will help to explain to them exactly why your behaviour has changed.
Some clients are eager to tell their favourite courtesan how they feel because they imagine it will turn out like ‘Pretty Woman’. It won’t. You may feel as though you have a connection with them, but often this is an illusion created by your own feelings.
Stop seeing the escort
This is the challenging part for many people. Once you have acknowledged your feelings for your favourite escort and told them what you are feeling, you need to remove yourself from that situation. This means that you need to stop seeing the escort. The sooner, the better.
When you have met with them, you should tell them that you are going to distance yourself from them. Thank them for their time and then leave the booking. It is going to be far better for everyone involved.
You might find that your chosen companion wants to help you out with it. They might tell you that they will then block your number so that you aren’t tempted. Accept that you won’t see them again while you get over your feelings for them. It can be difficult to take this step but it really is important to do it.
Try to move on
You will be tempted to make bookings with them again. Even when you have said that you won’t see them again, the desire to pick up the phone is going to be almost overwhelming at times. You might think you’ve had enough time away from them, but the chances are that you haven’t.
You need to move on. Exactly how you will do this depends on you. Some choose to spend time with other escorts, while others avoid dating escorts altogether. The chances are that you are better off not going on dates, as your feelings might linger for longer.
They say that time heals all wounds, so trust it. Take the time to get over your feelings. It might take a while and it might be difficult, but it will make a difference.
Have you fallen in love with an escort?
It can be incredibly tough to deal with your feelings, especially if you find out that you have fallen in love with an escort. The steps above are likely not what you want to do, but you need to follow them.
Distancing yourself from the escort is going to be tough, but it is necessary. Do what you must to get over it, even if that means taking time out from dating escorts.
Have you ever fallen for an escort? Share your tips for dealing with it by leaving a comment in the box below.
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