Journalist Caught Watching Hardcore Porn!
January 6, 2016

Sometimes, you’ll find yourself getting a little bit bored at work. You might decide to take a trip to your favourite social media site to cheer yourself up when you’re having a cigarette outside, or perhaps you’ll sneak off on your lunch break to visit your favourite escort. Whatever you do, we all have little ways to cope with work, but for some it seems that the only way they can get through their tough working day is to put some hardcore porn on while they work.
There are very few places you can get away with watching hardcore porn. In the privacy of your own home is one, and working on a hardcore porn website is another. You’d have to watch the porn as part of your job, but using porn as a way to keep you motivated during the day? That doesn’t seem like such a good move. Unfortunately, it seems that this kind of thing does happen… so what exactly motivated the journalist to put some porn on while he worked, and what happened after he was caught out?
Casually watching hardcore porn
I don’t know much about sports. I do my best to keep up with what is going on, but then it becomes confusing. If you were to ask me to report on the biggest cricket matches going on at the moment, I’d probably need to ask friends for advice first.
That said, there are plenty of people out there writing about sports who have actually got a clue what they are doing, and one of those people was a journalist reporting on the Australia v the West Indies game that took place at the Melbourne Cricket Ground last week.
The journalist in question might have been having a tough day at work, finding that he was struggling to get through the day without a little motivation, and so he decided that the perfect way to work the stress away was to put some hardcore porn on while he worked.
Russell Jackson, The Guardian Australia’s deputy sport editor, took to his blog to explain what happened, showing his shock that someone he described as an “accredited member of the media” would watch hardcore porn in such a casual way while they worked.
The shock of it all!
According to Jackson, this unnamed journalist managed to shock all of his colleagues when he was working, simply because he decided to multi-task. For most people, that would seem fine, but he chose to by switching constantly between his match report and the “hardcore pornography” he seemed to also be paying a great deal of attention to.
If the man had been in a small office on his own and a colleague had worked in on him, we could kind of understand why he might think he could get away with that kind of behaviour. After all, you don’t expect people to just randomly walk in when you’re trying to sneakily watch porn, do you?
Well, the man wasn’t. Instead of trying to be sneaky and stealthy about it, he decided to do it in a room full of other journalists. Men and women were sitting just metres away from him and able to clearly see his screen as the porn played.
Did this deter him? Apparently not. As Jackson described in his blog, the man “felt perfectly comfortable doing it in full view”. It seems that the only saving grace in this situation is that he didn’t whip his cock out and start wanking in front of everyone.
Dealing with the situation
It’s a pretty unusual situation to find yourself in, and something that has probably never been covered in the company guidelines simply because you would think that no-one would actually do it in the first place!
Jackson tells us that “as the second day of this bizarre routine kicked off, this fervent porn consumer had to be awkwardly approached” and basically told that people could see exactly what he was getting up to. They also added that those who could see what he was doing would “appreciate it if he stopped”.
Thankfully it seems that the man decided to listen and was able to turn off the porn for the rest of the day, but by then the damage had been done. People clearly felt uncomfortable in the same room as the journalist from then on, although it is unclear if the journalist returned to work.
Needless to say, at the time is seems that people found it oddly amusing. In his blog, Jackson says that as the entire situation was unfolding, it prompted “chuckles from both women and men present”, but then afterwards “mostly it just made people feel uncomfortable”. We can see why! Being in the same room as a colleague watching hardcore porn must be very weird.
Why hardcore porn?
So, the man was told to stop watching the porn and he did. His colleagues probably felt a little better when it turned off, as they could concentrate on their jobs, but why did it happen in the first place?
It might simply have been that the man liked the thrill of being caught. He might have enjoyed the fact that others could see what he was watching while he worked, and particularly that he managed to get away with it for an entire day before someone said something.
He may have also enjoyed the fact that he was working while turned on, unable to touch himself with his colleagues around him. It is certainly one hell of a way to spice up your work day, but would you ever risk something like that?
We want to hear from you. Do you think the man did this just for the thrill, or is there something else we might have missed? Let us know by leaving a comment below.
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