Swedish Homemade Porn Is On The Rise!
April 7, 2017

Professionally made porn is everywhere. Pretty much every porn site is filled with it. The set of each porno looks perfect, with plenty of space and the same faces we have seen in pornos over and over again. We start to recognise our favourite stars and we might even go looking for more films featuring them. But it seems that a number of porn viewers aren’t happy. They want something a little different.
Amateur porn has become one of the most popular things for people to look for using porn search engines. They want to see real people in real homes fucking. They don’t want to see perfectly polished bodies. Instead they want to see more. And it is for this reason that Swedish homemade porn is on the rise.
So what is it that draws people to Swedish homemade porn more than anything else? Why is it trending? What sets it apart from professional porn?
Professional porn
A lot of people know what professional porn is like. It is the kind of stuff you see pretty much everywhere online. It will have been made by a crew of people, all with different jobs to do. Someone will be in charge of lighting, others in charge of set, and so on and so forth.
There will be people there to take care of the actors, and people behind the camera to make sure they get the perfect shot. There will be plenty of cuts between each scene so that the actors get a break and can try something new.
It looks very clean and smooth, with no interruptions at all. The cuts keep things exciting and moving on quickly, which is why professional porn is so popular.
Amateur and homemade porn
Amateur porn, on the other hand, doesn’t have a crew. There might be a cameraman who will put the camera down somewhere to join in the fun, but for the most part it is a camera or phone balanced somewhere and pointing towards the bed.
Those involved aren’t professional porn stars. They are simply people who decided that they wanted to make some amateur porn. They wanted to see real people having sex, instead of perfect models going at it for hours.
Amateur porn, otherwise known as homemade porn, tends to be one shot. There are no cuts, and it is simply one angle without changes. For some this seems boring, but for others it gives you a chance to see what a genuine couple having sex is like. There’s nothing fancy to it… simply a couple having sex.
Where the line blurs
However, for many people the line blurs a little when we look at things like POV porn. POV porn, better known as point of view porn, is one of the most popular, especially with the rise in people using virtual reality headsets to enjoy porn.
Because it is point of view, it puts you in the place of one of the actors. You get to watch and pretend that the person on the screen is giving this pleasure to you. You can jerk off while you watch, focusing on the things the actress is doing and imagining that this is real. However, POV appears in both professional and amateur porn, and so the line blurs.
In professional porn, the settings are still the same. Everything is still well lit, but the continuous moving of the camera makes it seem a little more realistic. It puts you in the place of the star and makes you feel great. In amateur it makes the production seem more professional. Sure, the lighting might not be as good, but it looks a lot better than setting the camera to one side and watching a couple in doggy for ages.
Which do you prefer?
Which type of porn do people prefer? I’ll admit that I happily watch both types. Sometimes I want to see a professional production, while other times I hope to enjoy the intimacy real couples show in amateur porn. But if I had to choose? I’d probably pick homemade porn over professional.
This is, however, just my opinion, and I want to hear from you. Which would you choose if you were asked to pick between them? Are you like me and enjoy them both at different times, or is your heart set on one in particular? Vote in the poll below or leave a comment in the box to let us know your thoughts.
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