Why Gamers Are Swapping Porn For The Wasteland
November 18, 2015

Video gaming is a huge industry. Millions are poured into it each year, and the results are obvious. We see people spending on game after game for their entertainment, and the amount of merchandise available for gamers is truly huge. They can wear their gaming pride on their sleeves, while those who watch porn don’t get the same luxury. Sure, you could walk around wearing a t-shirt from your favourite website, but you probably will get a lot of weird looks for it.
However, we are all more than happy to sit at home and watch porn if no-one else knows about it, but websites like Pornhub have noticed that, when a new game is released for us to play, the number of people popping onto their website to watch porn goes down by quite a significant amount. Here on XEscorts we take a look at why gamers are choosing to swap their porn watching habits for some time exploring the wastelands and getting lost in the latest battles.
Nuclear Fallout
Unless you have been hiding in a hole with absolutely no internet or windows to look out of for the past few months, you will know that gamers everywhere have taken time off of work and the things that they had planned in their calendar for one big reason, and that reason is the release of Fallout 4.
The game might have first been reported as “in development” way back in 2013, but it wasn’t until June of this year that people started to take notice. The game promised to be something epic, and the pre-orders for the game poured in with plenty of fans spending hundreds on the collector’s edition of the game.
If you aren’t a gamer, you might have trouble understanding what is so fascinating about a game. There are plenty of studies out there saying that violent video games cause violence, and you might be of the opinion that gaming is purely for teen males with nothing else to do with their time. That said, there are also plenty of studies showing that violent video games don’t cause violence and that it is an industry open to everyone.
The open world aspect of Fallout 4 meant that, instead of gamers having to follow a very linear story, they could go off and do whatever they wanted within the wastelands (where the game is set).
Hours of entertainment
Non-gamers find it difficult to understand why someone might invest so much time and money into a game, instead of going to watch a movie with friends. As a gamer myself, I’m hoping I can clear that up a bit.
Yes, video games cost a lot more than a movie, but there is a good reason for that. When you watch a movie your input is very limited. You will sit there in the dark for the ninety minutes that the movie lasts and afterwards that’s it. Yes, you can watch the movie again and notice things you didn’t notice before, but it is still pretty much the same story.
Games like Fallout are much more open ended. Your actions in the game can totally change the story and how other characters react to you. That means that you can play it through once as a total saint, doing everything you can to help people, and when you reach the end you can go back and take the opposite path and see what happens. Often, you’ll find it is a totally different game.
Porn or gaming?
The problem is that playing a video takes a huge investment of time, especially when the stories are as in-depth as those in Fallout. You can’t simply pick them up and play them, and so you might stop watching TV in order to get more of the game done. This means that we are neglecting other areas of our lives, and Pornhub has noticed that this includes them.
As they say on their insights blog, the anticipation for the release of the game “had been building up, and once the moment arrived, dedicated gamers thought of little else – including visiting Pornhub.”
Their statistics show that there were gamers around the world happily watching porn between 3 and 4 in the morning. They suggest that this is because many were downloading the game and were passing the time… but then “everyone’s download completed and the gaming commenced”, which led to a drop “down as much as 10% from 7am til noon”. They noted that, while the afternoon traffic returned to its normal levels, “after 6pm it dropped again”. They believe that this was thanks to the people in 9 to 5 jobs getting home and starting up their consoles.
Why choose gaming over porn?
Of course, this doesn’t really answer why gamers are swapping porn for the wastelands, but here on XEscorts we have a few ideas about why this might be happening.
For a start, porn is great for when you have a few spare minutes to whack off. It is a great way to release stress and all, but sometimes it just isn’t enough. Sometimes you have had such a tough day at work that the last thing you want to do is jerk off, and that is where gaming comes in.
When you play a video game you get the chance to escape reality for a little while. You can be anyone doing anything in any world, whether you become a vault dweller striving out into the wastelands, a rebel hoping to bring down the empire, or just someone trying to save the galaxy from a deadly threat, gaming has you covered. It could also be as simple as the fact that we just want to game for a while instead of watching porn.
Pornhub, on their insight statistics, noted that around midnight people seemed to be taking a break from their questing in the wastelands, as they say “traffic jumped as high as 15% above daily norms” at this time… so it might simply be that we are eager to explore this new world first and then we can get back to our usual fapping after that.
Sex in video games
Sex is a huge part of video games. In fact, lately it doesn’t seem that there is a game out there where romance isn’t on the table. In Fallout 4 you can meet companions in the game and start romantic relationships with them, with a little flirting, and it isn’t the first game to do this.
Roleplaying games are huge for it, with games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age giving you the chance to catch a little sideboob while your characters get it on… but of course, it isn’t as good as porn. You don’t get to see the details.
Even games like The Witcher, which have pretty graphic sex scenes, still don’t give you the big finish like porn does… which is why gamers, although they might choose video games over porn for a while, will always go back.
What do you think? Are you a video game who also loves porn, or do you simply not get video games?
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