A Beginner’s Guide To Rope Bondage

September 14, 2017

Hands of a missing kidnapped, abused, hostage, victim woman tied up with rope in emotional stress and pain, afraid, restricted, trapped, call for help, struggle, terrified.

When we think of being restrained in the bedroom, we think of everything from handcuffs to ropes to specialised restraints. Rope bondage is one of the most popular forms, because it is so versatile. However, there is also an art to it, and this makes it a very popular choice.

When it comes to using ropes in BDSM, you shouldn’t just grab the first piece of rope that you find and wrap it around their wrists. This can actually do damage, and so you need to know the essentials before you try it for yourself. Here is everything beginners need to know about rope bondage.

Safety first

When it comes to rope bondage, you should not be trying it on a whim. It is something you should carefully research first. There is a belief that you have to be an expert in order to start out in the world of bondage with rope, but this isn’t the case. However, you need to have some form of experience with it.

As with many forms of BDSM, safety is a number one priority. If you don’t take safety seriously, you’ll find that you are much more likely to end up injured or hurt in some way. This is why it is important to talk to your partner first about it so that you can give informed consent on what is going to happen.

Bondage is an area of BDSM that is never risk-free, and so you should ensure that you work slowly up through the different skills. You may be a fast learner, but by taking your time to perfect each stage, you’ll learn more about the damage that can be caused and how best to avoid it.

You also need to make sure that you have a safe word set. Make it a word that is easy to remember and easy to say, so that, in the heat of the moment, there is no confusion. “No” isn’t a good safe word, and neither is “stop”. Try a colour, such as “red”, or a fruit, such as “apple”.

A safe word is important in all areas of BDSM, but as bondage can sometimes involve gags, you might find that speaking isn’t always possible. Make sure you have a sign agreed with your partner to show that you want to stop the play. Even something such as raising your eyebrows a few times is enough when you have a good relationship with your domme.

Bondage can be a lot of fun!

Original source: Giphy

Tips for bottoms

If you are hoping to get yourself tied up by your favourite dominatrix, then there are a few things that you should consider before you dive on in. Following the tips below will help to make you a great rope bunny and prove to your domme that you are serious about it.

For a start, make sure you are properly fed and hydrated. This will make the experience much more pleasant and allow you to start alert throughout. If you have been drinking lots of water, make sure you use the restroom before you start the scene. The last thing you want is to be tied up perfectly and then need untying again.

For your first time, you should look for a dominatrix with experience in rope bondage. They will know the right knots to use, as well as the best ropes for your pleasure. They’ll have the necessary experience to make it an unforgettable time, which is what you are hoping for! An awareness of subspace is also vital, as they will be able to guide you in and out of it.

Yes, you might be eager to dive right in, but you should go slowly. Tell your domme that you are a beginner and they will ease you into it. If you enjoy it, then you can work your way through the more complicated actions, but until you have the experience and know what it is like, starting small is best.

One of the most important parts of rope bondage is communication. Should you feel any tingling or uncomfortableness anywhere, tell your partner. They can make adjustments or get you down in order to fix the problem… but they won’t know unless you tell them!

Rope bondage gives you so many options

Original source: Sex

“Is rope bondage for me?”

Like many areas of BDSM, rope bondage isn’t for everyone. Some people love the idea of being restrained by their partner and unable to move. However, if you are claustrophobic this can actually cause problems. Being unable to move can trigger you, so you are best to start small at first.

Of course, the only way to find out if you like it is to try it for yourself. Get your partner to restrain your hands and see how it feels. If you like it, you know you can move on to other things.

Got some great tips to share with others hoping to find the perfect rigger? You can share them by leaving a comment in the box below. Tell us your top tips and see what others have to suggest! If you’re still struggling, this fantastic video of Evie Lupine with her Sir should help you out!

Lara Mills
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