Couples Caught Getting Horny In The Heat!
July 7, 2015

The weather can do strange things to us Brits, especially when the sun comes out. It seems such a rare phenomenon that we have to take advantage of it, and often that means putting on shorts, a low-cut top, and heading out to a pub with a garden for a beer in the sun.
However, the sun seems to have a different effect up north, as the hot weather last week has made couples hornier than ever, making them strip off and fuck the day away. Nothing wrong with that… but the couples were all caught out by passers-by. What happened, and can we learn a lesson from their mistakes?
The phone box
Phone boxes are a bit redundant now, since most people can’t leave the house without their mobile phone. They’ve just become boxes that are covered in advertisements and stink of piss.
One couple in Manchester found a new use for a phone box in Piccadilly Gardens, as they decided that 5 in the morning was the perfect time to go into a phone box and fuck as the sun came up.
The phone box itself was sitting right outside of a Travelodge hotel, so why the couple didn’t just book into the hotel we’re not sure. It would have been easier than squeezing into a phone box for a quick fuck. Yes, it would cost money and wouldn’t be the kind of fun public sex the couple were after, but surely it is better than exposing yourself in public and risking having the police called?
Well, they decided no, and so they somehow both clambered into the phone box for a quick fumble… but Manchester is a busy city, and so fucking in a phone box at 5 in the morning is definitely going to be seen by somebody. In this case, that somebody called the police.
The witness described what was going on, saying that “he could see a man and woman having sex, but could only describe the woman’s brown shoes because the copulating pair were mostly covered by an advertising board in the phone box window”.
However, when the police arrived on the scene at 6:15, the phone box was empty, and they were left scratching their heads a little.
Reactions on Twitter
The reactions on Twitter to this horny couple were, as you might expect, varied. Some were applauding them, questioning “how on earth they managed it in such a small space” while others were shocked that people would even have sex in public in the first place.
One made a joke about the use of phone boxes, saying that “surely that’s the sole purpose of phone boxes now”, with others adding comments such as “and they say romance is dead”.
Of course, how the person decided to alert the police to this situation was also brought into question. It turns out that they felt it was an emergency and dialled 999 to let the police know that people were having sex in a phone box! All those robberies will just have to wait, right?
Many began to question if it really warranted a 999 call, but others say the funny side of it. Imagine if the person who discovered this horny couple had left their house without a phone? With the phone box right there, they could still call the police. As one Twitter user said: “excuse me, can I just squeeze past you two. I need to use the phone to call 999 about you.”
Yet more couples fucking!
You might think that would be enough public sex for the time being, but it wasn’t. Just six hours later, another report came to the police about a randy couple, this time in a park in the north of the city. Clearly, the heat makes Mancunians really horny.
The couple were lying on the grass a little too close to a children’s playground for comfort in Heaton Park. At first, everything seemed very innocent. The couple would kiss, then kiss passionately, and that’s when things got a little steamy.
One witness said that, when they began to fuck, she shouted “Oh God, stop that right now”, before threatening them by taking a photograph of them and saying she would report them to the police.
The woman did, but by the police arrived the couple had disappeared, just like the one earlier than day. Of course, the police are eager to find them and have been taking statements from any witnesses, but unless someone knows the couple it doesn’t seem very likely.
Public sex tips
With the weather getting hotter and the clothes covering less skin, it is easy to see why we start to get a little frisky. We want to fuck, and we want to do it right now, regardless of whether we are in a nice, cold shower or we are out enjoying a picnic in the park.
However, these two different couples in Manchester are proving that public sex in the sun isn’t easy, especially if you want to avoid getting caught. Getting caught spoils it, especially if you end up having the police stop your little bit of fun… so what are you supposed to do?
For a start, you should choose somewhere a little more secluded. A phone box in a busy city or a park at lunch time aren’t appropriate places, unless you actually want to be caught and arrested for indecent exposure. Instead, seek somewhere a little more private. Even your back garden could work, if you have fences to hide your activities from your neighbours. You get to enjoy sex in the sun without the risk of being caught!
Have you ever been caught fucking in public, or are you a little more careful than these couples? You can let us know in the comments below.
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