Five Myths Porn Has Taught Us!
October 17, 2014

It has to be said, most of us like to watch porn. As well as giving us something to jerk off over, these ‘films’ usually have a (rather rubbish) storyline attached. It all comes across as pretty harmless fun.
This is where opinions begin to divide. Whilst most will say porn is just a good laugh, others will say it has completely warped our views of what sex is really about. Whilst some of these things can be a silly and quite amusing, others can be quite damaging to at least one of the pair engaging in intercourse
This is why the XEscorts blog has put together a guide to the ‘lies which porn has told us’. Do you spot any of these?
Here goes.
1) It’s All About The Blowjob
Have you ever seen the start of a porn film? The guy plays with the girls boobs for a few second, and she immediately goes down, sucks him off for 15 minutes, then he has sex with her. Where is the foreplay for the woman? Has she got aroused just by giving the blowjob?
There is a good chance that porn is creating a generation of guys who are useless in bed. Remember the woman, guys!
2) You Can Jizz Over The Woman, Everytime
At the end of nearly every porn film, the guys takes his penis out of the woman and jizzes over her boobs or face. She always loves it, no questions asked.
However, in the real world, when you come over a woman, most women will ask you what the hell you are doing.
If you want to do your business over a woman, ask her first!
3) Do Loads of Different Positions
It would be a very boring porn film if you just had the people in one position. Consequently, they change what they are doing about five times.
There is a problem here though. All these different positions never take into account differences in height, which can often make positions uncomfortable.
Find what is good for you and your partner, instead of being able to do what they do on TV.
4) Girls Want You To Last Forever
We all watch porn films, and most of them have the pair going at it for 40 minutes. Anyone who can’t do that is doing something wrong, right?
Well no. In reality those porn stars are doing their scenes in different takes so they aren’t really holding off their orgasm for 40 minutes at all.
Even more importantly, if the guy goes that long, the woman is likely to get really really sore.
5) Women Don’t Mind You Cheating, and Will In Fact Join In
In porn films, if the guy starts having sex with the babysitter and the wife walks in, then instead of hitting him over the head with a frying pan, she will join in giving a blowjob with the other woman.
Well, believe it or not, in reality, she will likely kick the guy in the balls and divorce him.
In all seriousness, many studies have pointed out that porn normalises cheating, so will in fact encourage guys to do it as there is never seems to be any comeback. They then act surprised when their Mrs kicks off.
Whether this warping of reality is true or not I’m not sure, but it makes sense.
In Closing
Well, I hope that burst a few myths for some of you, and if you knew the reality anyway, we hope the piece gave you a good laugh.
Remember; porn is porn and reality is reality. Sex is a wonderful thing, but this is only the case if both partners are enjoying themselves.
Pornography is NOT a real experts guide.
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