Porn Addiction Is Real: Why Do We Question It?
March 1, 2016
This weekend, actor Terry Crews came forward and talked about his porn addiction, sparking a whole new wave of debate on the subject. He talked about it in his video titled “Dirty Little Secret”, explaining that he had been dealing with a porn addiction for years.
Whenever porn addiction is brought to the attention of the media, people kick off. Usually, people start going “is porn addiction a real thing?” and arguing that it isn’t. They believe that you can only get addicted to drugs, like alcohol, marijuana, even caffeine.
That isn’t the case, and here on the XEscorts blog we take a look at how porn addiction works and why people decide to question it whenever the topic comes up.
You can become addicted to anything
You can become addicted to absolutely anything. It isn’t just things like alcohol and drugs that can draw you in. They might be the first things we think of when we talk about addiction, but when you look at the range of addictions out there, it is possible to become addicted to pretty much anything.
Think about it. Lately, there have been so many different studies that tell us we look at our phones when we are in bed late at night and when we wake up in the morning. If that wasn’t bad enough, a few people have also been caught checking their phone right in the middle of sex… because we all know how important it is to send that Tweet when you’re about to orgasm.
We rely so much on technology and our phones that we are pretty much addicts. In fact, some people are addicted to being online. Take away their phone and they’ll get withdrawal symptoms, acting fidgety, getting headaches, and becoming impatient.
If you can become addicted to your phone, or even to being online, why can’t you become addicted to porn?
Addictions aren’t always physical
People seem to believe that you can only become addicted to substances. When we think of addictions, we think of things like coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs.
The problem is that this thinking ignores a huge number of other addictions simply because they aren’t physical. With the addictions listed above, your body learns to depend on them, so when you don’t get your fix, you get withdrawal symptoms.
With a porn addiction, you aren’t physically addicted to it. Instead, you become mentally addicted. You become dependent on seeing porn and watching it, and this can have a hell of an impact on your brain, as well as your social life.
What does a porn addiction do to you?
In Terry Crews’ “Dirty Little Secret” video, he talks about the main things that he has learned from his addiction, and most of them address the fact that it has a huge impact on your life. To start with, he explains that it changes you, just as any other addiction can change you. It makes you think and react differently, so you aren’t quite the same person.
You might also notice that your relationships aren’t quite the same. In his video, Terry Crews talks about the fact that his wife nearly left him. She was unable to recognise who he was anymore, and the person he had become wasn’t the person she had married.
One of the big changes for Crews was that watching porn had completely changed his way of thinking. He explained in the video that he felt he was entitled to everything, and that “everybody in the world owed him something”. He even felt as though his wife owed him sex.
However, he does go on to explain that porn addiction doesn’t make you a bad person. Too often, the media sees those with addictions as bad people, when in reality they are a good person with bad habits.
How to cope with a porn addiction
First of all, if you think you have a porn addiction, you need to admit it to yourself. Then you can work on getting the help. In his video, Crews explains that he worked on his addiction by going into therapy. “I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t know how to beat it. I couldn’t do it alone“.
By going to therapy, he was able to talk to someone about the addiction and get the help he needed. There, he could work on changing things for the better.
As we’ve said before, addicts aren’t necessarily bad people. They just have bad habits. For Crews, the solution was going to be a challenging one to get to: “what you have to change is that paradigm in your life. You have to believe that you are good”, as he says that this is the point when you are ready to make the change and to get away from the addiction.
Is porn really that bad?
Porn is blamed for a lot of things. Watch porn and you are accused of being a pervert, of objectifying women, and of being abusive. Porn is even blamed for the attitude of many young people out there today… even if those people haven’t actually watched porn.
Yes, porn can become an addiction, but that doesn’t mean watching a bit of porn will make you an addict. As with all things in life, it is about moderation. If you make sure you don’t watch too much or become dependent on it, you should be okay.
So, why do people question porn addictions? Really, it is because they see addictions as purely physical things, and porn is a mental and emotional experience for the viewer. Does that mean that being addicted to porn isn’t possible? We want to hear from you. You can use the comment box below to join in the discussion. Have you ever experienced an addiction? Are you a porn addict with your own thoughts on Terry Crews’ video? Let us know!
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