Erotic Stories – Birthday Sex With My Boss!
February 1, 2016

I became a lawyer because this was my parents’ desire. Like a good daughter, I wasted four years of my life studying something I couldn’t relate to. I wanted to become an anthropologist and now I am a Corporate Lawyer in busy London. Lucky me, right?
Do you know what I never wanted to do? Work for a corporation. I dislike all the people I work for and with ( I might want to have sex with some of them, though). What the hell, I even dislike me when I look in the mirror and I see myself wearing a suit and taking care of people whose beliefs don’t match with mine.
Do I have money? Of course, I do. But my bank account doesn’t make me have a proper life, relationship or vacations. How do I spend my holidays? Mostly eating ice cream and burgers. Poor me, right?
And today is my birthday. Yes, I am 33, single, haven’t had sex since… I can’t remember, and I kind of resent my parents for being so proud of my career and my life.
Now it’s only 7 a.m. and that means I have time for a little kinky play…So, I begin thinking about my secret passion while moving my hands down my pants. Don’t judge…the most exciting part of my day!
“Good morning, Martini” (That’s my dog and no, I am not an alcoholic). “Today is my birthday and I am planning to spend it in a different manner. So, I am going to do something special, something crazy and something sexy. Do you agree?”
I act like I hear Martini barking: “if sexy means jerking off…” and show my sweet pug the middle finger. I really am a crazy woman.
Something Special
I get to work late. People are used to it and for some reason nobody complains, not even my boss. It might be the fact that I am fucking awesome at my job or because I have a nice ass. What? I go to the gym a lot. I have to get everything out of my system in a way, don’t I?
Mr. and Mrs. Smith were waiting for me. These are the people I work for. They are married, rich, look absolutely amazing and their name is actually Johnson. In order to imagine them, think about Brad and Angelina and add some more hotness.
“Good morning, darling” I hear my boss’s sexy voice. (Yes, you guessed. My boss. My MARRIED boss is the one I think about when I masturbate…).
“Good morning,” I say and take a sit.
“Tara, it’s your birthday. What are you doing here? You should have taken the day off and spend it with your friends and family!”
What friends? I work and sleep most of the time. And my family is in Italy!!
“Yea…” I manage to say. “But …”
“No, listen. Take the day off and if something comes up we’ll call you. Oh, and this is for you…”
A red little box is given to me, together with a hug. It is the first time my boss touches me. That felt…so good. Damn I want more of this! Move away from your boss, Tara. And STOP sniffing that neck, you weirdo!
I leave the office thinking about what just happened. I go to my car and put on my snickers. I love the way I look wearing a suit and snickers. I feel special though the whole London is dressed like that on their way to and from work.
What the hell should I do with a day off? While opening the only present I’ll get today, I call my best friend.
“Hey, Hannah! Guess what? Holly shit!! “
“What the hell, woman?”
“I just got a necklace from the Johnsons! But that’s not why I called you! I have the day, or half of it I am not sure… Are you busy? “
“Wow. That’s something special! Well, I am. But it’s your birthday, isn’t it? And I am a freelancer…so, what do you want to do?”
“ Hmmm, want to meet me at Charing Cross and do some touristy things today?”
“Yes, give me half an hour!”
Something Crazy
“This was fun! I’ve lived in London for so many years and never visited the National Gallery. Lucky me you’re not working on your birthday.”
“I’ve been here many times…You’re just lazy!”
“Girl, I work and spend time with my partner and raise a kid. So, the hell with Leonardo’s unfinished piece. I have to finish all my chores.”
“Yea…Your life is busy and awesome.”
“By the way…when are you going to tell your mother the truth?”
I am able to hear her talking but I can’t answer because I hate this subject. When am I going to tell my parents, and especially my mom?? I let her understand that I hated law school and I ended up a corporate lawyer. She can’t see beyond her own beliefs and principles. I have to tell her or else she’ll never figure it out by herself…She still believes that being a corporate lawyer was MY dream.
“Now,” I say whole dialing my mom’s number.
“But that’s crazy, Tara!!!!”
“Hi, mom! I have to tell you something” I take a deep breath and say: “I am gay!”
My mom doesn’t have time to say anything because my work phone starts ringing. It was 6 p.m. Why is my boss calling me? It has to be an emergency! I hang up on my speechless mother.
Something Sexy
I left my car in Canary Wharf and now I am in the tube, going back to my office at almost 7 p.m. on a Friday evening. What could be so important? I won’t be able to do any work, not only because of the amount of Prosecco running through my veins but also because I hung up on my mother after telling her I like pussy…Shit!
I have to text her, at least. What can I say? I am sorry? I am not sorry…I’ll call her later. Now I have to concentrate because I’ll probably have to work…on a Friday evening. Happy birthday, indeed!
I go to my car to put my heels on realising that the corporation really brainwashed me. It’s already weekend and I can’t enter the building without wearing “proper” shoes. And all I wanted was to be an anthropologist, travel and get to know people and civilizations. Now, I kind of feel a little happiness for telling my mom the truth.
I enter the office. That’s strange…It’s empty and dark. I can only see a dim light in my boss’s office. I enter and the only thing I see is a bottle of champagne on the table. There’s also music playing. What the…
“Happy birthday, Tara!”
I hear behind my back, and I feel a hand touching my hair…and then… my boss’s soft lips kissing the back of my neck…
“It’s Diane, tonight”
She grabs my hand, takes me to her desk and offers me a glass of champagne.
“I’ve noticed the way you look at me. And I felt your breath when I kissed you in the morning…The feeling is mutual so…Why not a hot birthday present? You saved the company from many problems so…you deserve the best treatment…and you’ll get it tonight…”
I was overwhelmed by the whole atmosphere. It was a very odd, but a fulfilling day…And this…this was my fantasy…I jerked off thinking about her…
I stop thinking about anything because I feel her hand touching my legs…spreading them and then her body coming closer to mine…Her hands begin moving towards my ass…She pulls me and I am now able to her big tits touching mine…that was so hot! She is so damn sexy!
Diane kisses me and I get completely wet, forget all about timidity and start kissing her back. She puts me on the desk, spreads my legs and starts to slowly kiss her way down…while taking my underwear off…
I am so aroused that I can’t breathe properly…Damn, I sound like a dog in heat…
I don’t know if it is the effect of abstaining from sex for so long or I am so much into my boss. She told me to call her Diane, but I just can’t think of something else than “my boss is down on her knees licking my pussy”…
A couple of minutes pass like I am in a state of trance. An incredible orgasm brings me back to present…I have to give her one, too!
I drink the whole glass of champagne and then grab my bosses’ waist and put her on the desk. HER desk. She was facing the window, seeing the amazing view her expensive Canary Wharf office had.
It is time to show you the magic of my fingers and give you the orgasm that will make divorce pop into your brilliant mind.
I can hear her moaning and see her reflection in the window. She loves it and that makes me do it even more energetic. I am passionately kissing her neck…her back while playing with her soaked pussy.
Her ass looks even better than mine. So, while taking her panties off, I tell her to climb on the desk because I want to see better…She listens.
I begin playing with her pussy again, this time with my tongue. It took me 5 more minutes to make my boss climax.
“That was…so sexy,” she says while trying to catch her breath…
Birthday Sex…Birthday Sex…
It’s the best day of the year girl…Birthday sex…let me hit that g-spot. I enter the house singing and smiling. Martini comes to the door with an “Oh, you came home. Now, it’s time for some Haagen-Dazs, a documentary and a sad jerk off” face.
“Not tonight Martini,” I say out loud. “I had a special, crazy and sexy day! And just decided our life should change! Good sex turns to be medicine for body, soul and brain!” I continue talking to my dog while searching for a good university for studying anthropology…
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