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January 15, 2014

There are plenty of exciting places to have sex. You could do it in a pub toilet, with the risk of getting caught making it even more exciting for you. You could do it in the broom cupboard at work, realising that if you get caught, you are likely to be fired. Hey, if you want to make your life exciting, you can visit a Nottingham escort.

January 14, 2014


Most of us have played air guitar at one point or another, usually when drunk and listening to music with a driving beat. We all think we look pretty cool, but I am sure if we looked at ourselves on video when sober, we would think ‘wow, you look a tit’. It doesn’t stop it being fun however.

January 13, 2014

Police in Philadelphia are on the hunt for a man who has been asking women to perform sexual acts on him, with wait for it, a slice of Swiss cheese.

The heavily set man, believed to be in his 40’s or 50’s, has apparently been asking woman to relieve him using the sliced cheese. He approaches them in his car and exposes his private parts.

January 6, 2014

It’s the cold season, and I for one have been struck by the bug. To be fair I feel like absolute garbage. I have gone through the traditional treatments on offer, Lemsip, a hot toddy and bed rest, but nothing appears to be working. However, trawling on the internet, I have found a something very interesting. Apparently sex helps the fight against the common cold.

December 30, 2013


You would be surprised at the things men have uttered to women during sex. It’s not always deliberate; even with the best of intentions, phrases can often come out sounding wrong and all hell breaks loose in the bedroom. We’re not talking in a good way either. We’ve decided to round up the phrases that should be avoided in bed.

December 17, 2013

All have us have regrets regarding our sex lives. We can all go back to at least one incident where we have thought ‘ooh, I wish I hadn’t done that”. But a recent look at studies from the University of Texas and the University of California say that what we regret is actually determined by what sex we are.

December 13, 2013


Firstly, who can argue with staying in bed a little longer?

Morning routines constitute of getting up, showering, having breakfast, brushing your teeth and going to work – in a word, boring! There is a solution however; morning sex. Not only is this a great way to break out of your usual routine, but it will inject a little energy into your mornings and is said to have heaps of physical and emotional benefits.

December 12, 2013

Performance anxiety has become one of the greatest obstacles for men today; sexually and emotionally. For those who are battling with this, you are all too familiar with how debilitating the worrying can be. However, many do not realise how common performance anxiety is among men of all ages; almost all of us will suffer from this at some point in our lives.

December 11, 2013

Aphrodisiacs are a substance linked to increasing sexual desire. Throughout history, many foods and drinks have had a reputation for heightening arousal and the senses; making sex more pleasurable and leading to the most fantastic orgasms. To date, there are no substantiated claims that any particular food increases sexual desire or performance; however there are those who swear by their effects.

December 10, 2013

There is a moment in the life of every young man when they learn that real sex is not like it is in porn. For some, they suggested something that most girls were unaware of, and for others they grabbed a boob like it was made from silicone and not nerves and flesh. Porn films are nonstandard; the stars are perfect creatures whose endurance is something no normal person can keep up with.