Women Want Sex Just As Much As Men!
May 2, 2016
Do dames think about fucking as much as dudes think about doing the horizontal bop? It’s been said that men think about sex more than women yet a study performed by the fertility awareness app Kindara suggests that’s not necessarily true. Women want sex as much as men!
The survey researched the sexy lives of 500 women between the ages of 18 and 65. Its intention was to see which stereotypes it could confirm and which ones it could at last call ‘bullshit’ on. The questions sought to examine the female libido and its sexual desire, orgasm frequency and how significant getting laid is to women. With the results of the survey, the old adage that ‘women are less interested in sex’ was discovered to be freaking false, seriously stupid and really ridiculous! It seems that women want sex just as much as men.
The study sought to better understand the enigmatic Yoni and to answer the age old riddle of ‘What do women want?’ That meant asking: How often do chicks think about getting some? How often does she want a horizontal refreshment and how important is shagging to her general well being? Herein are six facts concluded from this sexy study that reveals an alternative truth, one that is a kinky reality for the majority of sexy women.
1. Women want to ride the flagpole!
According to this sexy survey, 89.2 percent of ladies think that sex is ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ important to their overall well being. Women want sex just as much as dudes do and in the book What do Women Want? Adventures in the Science of Female Desire, journalist Daniel Bergner says that when it comes to the craving sexual variety, “Women may be less well-suited for monogamy than men.”
2. Over 50 percent of women want to knock boots more often!
Over half of the women interviewed said that they don’t have sex as often as they want to. Of everyone interviewed, a whopping 53.2 percent of women want sex more than they are getting from their partner. The struggle is real.
3. 60 percent of women want sex 3-5 times a week
Almost 75 percent said, they want to do the deed more than three times a week. A 13 percent said that they crave sex more than six times over seven days! Women don’t just think about shagging, most that knocking boots could be part of their daily diet.
4. An emotional connection is the key to great sex
More than half of the women quizzed commented that an emotional connection is key for having good sex. 23 percent disagreed but said that foreplay is important. Even if it’s casual sex, foreplay does create an emotional connection and it serves as a sexy tantalizing appetizer.
5. Stress can mess with her sex drive
The female libido is wired differently and it can be affected if and when the woman feels she’s out of sync with her partner, she’s not in the mood or if she’s struggling with her self image. The biggest trigger that puts a stop to any chance of tapping that ass is when she’s feeling stressed. When she’s stressed her body may be next to you but her mind is gone with the wind.
6. Most women orgasm during sex
When it comes to show time nearly three quarters of the women interviewed, mind you that’s 70 percent say that they orgasm every time. While 10 percent say that they can orgasm multiple times.
Let it be known, women may be wired differently but they’re just as horny as dudes. They think about sex a lot, they want it frequently and an emotional connection is important to them. Don’t get an emotional connection confused with commitment. A sex study from the University of Michigan found that women enjoy casual sex just as much as men so long as their shag mate is a good lover. So make sure to season your next session with foreplay and ice that sexy cupcake with frosting before you both enjoy smashing the fluff.
Want to know some more hot facts? Zoe takes a look at 10 crazy sex facts about women that you need to know.
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