Get articles from industry professionals discussing every aspect of escorting today, as well as some hilarious stories from around the globe.

Houston skyline
October 5, 2018

A few weeks ago, we brought you the amazing story about a sex robot brothel getting ready to open in Houston, Texas. Well, sadly, it seems the lawmakers over there have passed legislation to make sure that this won’t ever take place.

Donald Trump
November 15, 2016

So Donald Trump is President. I have to say, I never saw it coming. I thought he would do better than people expected, but that he wouldn’t get enough of the swing states to win. Well, that was me completely wrong. Maybe I need to stick to writing adult content, rather than political punditry?

3D Flag of Oklahoma, USA. Close Up.
May 4, 2016

Sometimes the court system shocks you just as much as the crime itself. Such is the case with the Oklahoma court ruling that declares oral sex is not rape if the victim is unconscious or inebriated. The court dismissed a case involving allegations that a 17-year-old boy sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl who was reportedly unconscious. What you read is right even though it’s wrong. Not only did a court of law heinously fail a victim seeking justice, but it also infected the public opinion of what’s morally appropriate and acceptable.

September 17, 2015

A Boston pimp who ran a American national sex trade organisation has pleaded guilty to knifing a rival after they fell out over the sale of a sex worker from one to another.

September 4, 2015

A guy in Winchester, USA is in jail after he impersonated a police officer in a vain attempt to get back his wallet which had been stolen by a sex worker.

August 7, 2015

A former Utah teacher has been jailed for between 2 and 30 years after she pleaded guilty to charges of having sex with three 16/17 year old students.

August 3, 2015

A Texas police officer has been fired after it was alleged he picked up prostitutes, engaged in sexual conduct with them, and also sent dirty pictures of himself to the sex workers.

July 6, 2015

An ex-teacher in Florida has been jailed for a whopping 22 years after she had sex with three of her underage students.

June 10, 2015

We have all had that one funny teacher we remember from when we were at school. Whist the others were rather strict and boring, these individuals would joke with you and speak to you like you were actually an adult. Despite there being a possibility that they would be treated with scepticism by fellow teachers, they really did make you enjoy going to school. However, one teacher in America is in serious trouble after maybe taking it all a step too far.

April 30, 2015


An Illinois man is defending his decision to have a two way mirror in the women’s bathroom of his bar, saying it was a ‘fun house gag’.