Get articles from industry professionals discussing every aspect of escorting today, as well as some hilarious stories from around the globe.

June 2, 2014


A nature documentary in Africa was rudely interpreted this week when two lions began noisily having sex right in camera shot.

May 29, 2014


Here at XEscorts we like to discuss a range of topics. We can talk about things ranging from escorting issues, to the latest sex abuse cases involving the likes of Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall. However, it isn’t always that serious in the office; we like to have a laugh as well.

May 28, 2014

You just couldn’t make it up. Rolf Harris, who is on trial over 12 counts of indecent assault actually sang ‘his famous hit ‘Jake The Peg’, in the witness box yesterday.

May 27, 2014

Disgraced former TV presenter Stuart Hall has been sentenced to a further two years and six months in prison for two indecent assaults on a 13 year old girl. He was convicted by a majority verdict at the trial which was held at Preston Crown Court. He had admitted to the first one at the start of the case.

May 23, 2014


Women are never the most vocal at telling guys they are rubbish in bed. They realise they may sound insulting if they actually said what they were really thinking. Still, there are a number of things that they say that really give the game away.

May 22, 2014


We have all heard about bitcoins. This is the digital currency which has become more and more popular since it’s inception in 2009. They have become so popular that the US Treasury has described them as a ‘decentralised currency’. But have you ever heard of ‘Titcoins’?

Man with hands in handcuffs behind his back
May 21, 2014

In a story that no-one could predict, a palm reader has been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting two women in a Walmart car park.

May 21, 2014

In the escort industry, there has always been an issue with certain clients getting the wrong idea about appointments. Some, once they have seen an escort a number of times, begin to feel they have a ‘special relationship’. This, as we all know, can be a recipe for disaster.

May 20, 2014

When people are looking for something to help their flagging sex lives, one piece of advice that is usually trotted out is to ‘watch porn together’. This is meant to get you feeling hot and horny again, giving you new ideas to try out with your partner.

May 16, 2014

Earlier this week on the XEscorts blog, we brought to you the crazy story of Beyonce’s sister Solange attacking Jay-Z in a New York lift. Well, as suspected, the rumours have begun to leak out regarding what actually happened on the fateful evening.