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Attractive young woman is lying in bed at home with a smart phone in hands.
September 28, 2018

Most of us lead busy lives. Although we try our best to make time for ourselves and our sexual partners, we aren’t always able to. The latest smartphones mean that we can now sext without worrying about being caught out, and so we aren’t having as much physical sex as we used to.

Las Vegas trip
September 24, 2018

We have been watching the rise of sex dolls over the recent years with interest in on our site. We have seen them go from cheap plastic things found in the bedrooms of weirdos, to realistic looking items that cost thousands of pounds. We have even seen sex doll brothels open all over the globe. The next step must surely be sex robots; it only seems to be going one way.

Business couple engage in sex games as a means of relaxation and unwinding. Woman domination. Secret life concept
September 23, 2018

When I first began exploring BDSM, it was with someone who had a great deal of experience. If you could name it, the chances were that she had tried it. I felt safe with her not just because she had this experience, but because she was so eager to talk everything through with me first.

Lovers is kissing in bed
September 14, 2018

If you are looking to improve your sex life, it can be a minefield trying to find the right advice. Some sites will suggest trying anything and everything to make a difference, while others promise an easy solution if you subscribe to their services.

Close-up photo of unrecognizable man having erectile problem in bedroom
September 10, 2018

While we’d all love for sex to be like it is in the movies, it often isn’t. Things don’t go as smoothly as they might have you believe, and there are some common sex problems you could encounter.

Woman wearing black leather pants and red high heel shoes
September 9, 2018

I have always been a big proponent of managed prostitution areas. They keep sex work in one area, meaning the girls there can be monitored and get access to the help they may well need. We have all seen the alternative; vulnerable women working on their own, putting themselves in all kinds of danger.

passionate young couple in underwear kissing in bed and holding condom
September 7, 2018

Most of us think that we have a pretty good idea about the proper way to use condoms. The issue with that is that there are plenty of misconceptions we have. In reality, you might not be using condoms the way that you are supposed to.

Disloyal man walking with his girlfriend and looking amazed at another seductive girl
August 31, 2018

There are so many different factors that could lead to someone having an affair or cheating on their partner. It is difficult to know where to draw the line, especially when our definition of what makes a cheater is different.

Romantic cute couple in bed being intimate
August 27, 2018

We tend to judge how good our sex life is by how much sex we are having. If you are having more than your peers then you are winning. If not then it tends to be a sign to step up your game. However, it seems that having less sex might actually make your sex life so much better.

Woman looking at phone in bed
August 13, 2018

In the modern technological era, it is fair to say that sexting is becoming more and more popular. Whatever platform is used, be it Facebook, or more likely Snapchat, more and more people are getting their jollies via their smartphone.