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Sexy young couple is looking at each other and smiling while lying on bed at home, woman is holding a condom
August 1, 2018

Let’s admit it… it would be amazing if our partners could read our minds when it comes to sex. The problem is that they can’t. They can’t just look at us and instantly know what we want, unless we happen to be holding a sign detailing the exact way we want them to give it to us. This is why we need to open up about sex.

woman having orgasm
July 29, 2018

Whenever we watch porn, we always hear the woman screaming. So much so in fact that I don’t know about you, but when I watch it I have to turn the volume right down so I don’t get complaints from my neighbours. If that is going to change I am going to have to get paid more and move to a big house in the country, surrounded only by wildlife.

Elegant young handsome man. Studio fashion portrait.
July 25, 2018

I love talking about and learning more about sex. In my mind I’m pretty open-minded when it comes to kinks and fetishes. However, I might not be as open-minded as I thought. I had a bit of a wake-up call recently when one of my friends started talking about their Daddy Dom kink.

Art photo of beautiful blonde in bed in the sun
July 23, 2018

Anyone who has gone on a date with an escort will know just how easy it can be to let your feelings get the better of you. You spend time in the company of a stunning person, being treated in the way that you desire to be. To find that you have fallen in love with an escort isn’t all that rare.

UK ‘try before you buy’ sex doll brothel gets fined
June 24, 2018

We all know the sex doll industry is becoming more prevalent. Today they look more lifelike, whilst once they were mocked mercilessly in that classic Only ‘Fools and Horses’ episode. However, for those of us who have never used one, one question remains. How good and lifelike do they actually feel? Well a sex doll shop which allowed customers to ‘try before you buy’ are now facing a whopping fine.

Man feeling shocked
June 22, 2018

I have spent the last few months watching season two of Westworld, and I have to say, despite mixed reviews, I have enjoyed it. The acting is, for the most part incredible. And the storylines, if often confusing, certainly maintain interest. There is also the underlying discussion as to the future of robots and A.I. Will robots one day be used for sex in much the same way as Delores was in the first season?

Man unbuckling belt. Attractive male body close up.
June 18, 2018

There seems to be this belief that, when it comes to masturbation and sex, men are at it, or at least thinking about it, more than women. Sex and masturbation aren’t things that women should enjoy, and so naturally men masturbate more.

Asian guy pulling warm pant, concept of sexuality problem or weight loosing
May 4, 2018

Ask anyone what the worst thing that could happen during sex is and most will state an injury. One of the most common injuries in the bedroom is a broken penis. A combination of factors means that your cock could snap, and this nightmare far too often becomes a reality.

Urinary or prostate problems concept. Young man holds paper with SOS above crotch.
April 12, 2018

It can be difficult to talk to your doctor when you are having penis problems. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem, with some statistics suggesting it affects 50% of men. That’s a lot of people. Yet for some reason we choose to stay quiet about it.

Young couple having sex with woman in ecstasy- shoot with lensbaby
April 3, 2018

They say that with age comes wisdom, and this seems particularly prevalent when it comes to sex. As we gain more experience in the bedroom, we acquire more skills to tease and turn our partners on. We can make them feel good thanks to our experience, and hopefully give them the best orgasms they’ve ever had.