Get articles from industry professionals discussing every aspect of escorting today, as well as some hilarious stories from around the globe.

December 8, 2015

A 91 year old woman has died after apparently engaging in a kinky sex game with her 49 year old married neighbour.

December 4, 2015

It was November and I needed to escape my work for a little while.

The stress of working at the restaurant started to fill my head up with bad moods, so I begged my boss if I could book a fortnight of my annual leave to jet off somewhere I didn’t have to think about the stress. Somewhere I didn’t have to think about my hassles, my worries, or the rude customers at the restaurant.

December 1, 2015

Anyone who posts revenge revenge porn is a complete asshole. No matter what the reasons are for a break up, there are things that you really shouldn’t do. Very much near the top of that list is posting private stuff like that.

November 27, 2015

Gentlemen, you can’t deny that the only reason you watched ‘Baywatch’ when you were teenagers is because you wanted to see Pamela Anderson running on the beach.

November 26, 2015

For years we have believed that sex addicts were being spurred on by the amount of porn they were watching. After all, there are thousands, if not millions, of porn sites out there, with many of them offering a variety of free videos for you to watch and jerk off to. For a long time it just seemed to make sense that porn fuelled sex addiction, and so when people said a lot of us found ourselves agreeing… but it seems that it is no longer the case.

November 21, 2015

If you’re going to ask me if porn provides us an unrealistic view on sex, I would reply with another question where I ask if the Star Wars film are making us believe that the Galactic Empire will take over the House of Parliament.

November 20, 2015

Everyone likes different things in bed, and trying to cater for everyone’s unique tastes is a real challenge. You might feel that, no matter what you do when it comes to sex, you simply aren’t getting it right, but finding out what the right thing to do is often is very difficult, which is why we’ll just try anything in the hope of getting it oh-so right!

November 18, 2015

There is nothing wrong with having good old-fashioned sex, but you know what they say, “ different strokes for different folks”. So, even though many people are profoundly happy with their vanilla sex life, some have a huge desire to play with their naked body in a diversity of ways.

November 18, 2015

Video gaming is a huge industry. Millions are poured into it each year, and the results are obvious. We see people spending on game after game for their entertainment, and the amount of merchandise available for gamers is truly huge. They can wear their gaming pride on their sleeves, while those who watch porn don’t get the same luxury. Sure, you could walk around wearing a t-shirt from your favourite website, but you probably will get a lot of weird looks for it.

November 16, 2015


We would all love to be in the position where we get to have intense sex all of the time. I’m pretty sure none of us would get anything done if we did, which is why spending time with an escort is such a treat. You get to have a fantastic time together and you’ll leave with some amazing memories, even if you can’t do it as regularly as you would like to.