Get articles from industry professionals discussing every aspect of escorting today, as well as some hilarious stories from around the globe.

June 12, 2014

Most guys fantasise about having a threesome. However, we all know that they can go wrong, with people possibly getting hurt. But not many people who get into threesomes imagine they can be hurt this way.

June 12, 2014

Two teenagers were killed after falling 60ft from a flat in East London, whilst apparently having sex.

June 5, 2014

I for one am really looking forward to the World Cup. I adore football, and for me, the tournament really is the best thing on earth. The greatest players on the planet get together in what truly is a festival of the beautiful game.

June 3, 2014

Many of us have been accused of being a little bit too obsessed with our mobile phones at one time or another. Still, not many people can compare with the man in China who suffered a detached retina through excessive text messaging.

May 28, 2014

You just couldn’t make it up. Rolf Harris, who is on trial over 12 counts of indecent assault actually sang ‘his famous hit ‘Jake The Peg’, in the witness box yesterday.

May 28, 2014

At a time when most of Europe was veering towards the right wing of politics in the recent European elections, it was wonderful to see my beloved Sweden vote a formal feminist party into the EU parliament. The party even has a Roma woman as its representative.

May 27, 2014

Disgraced former TV presenter Stuart Hall has been sentenced to a further two years and six months in prison for two indecent assaults on a 13 year old girl. He was convicted by a majority verdict at the trial which was held at Preston Crown Court. He had admitted to the first one at the start of the case.

Man with hands in handcuffs behind his back
May 21, 2014

In a story that no-one could predict, a palm reader has been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting two women in a Walmart car park.

May 21, 2014

In the escort industry, there has always been an issue with certain clients getting the wrong idea about appointments. Some, once they have seen an escort a number of times, begin to feel they have a ‘special relationship’. This, as we all know, can be a recipe for disaster.

May 19, 2014

It has been confirmed that Dutchman Louis Van Gaal will take over as the new Manchester united manager. The Dutchman will replace previous top man David Moyes, straight after he has taken charge of the Dutch squad at this years World Cup in Brazil.