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December 4, 2013

If you are lucky enough to find yourself in a relationship where you are both confident enough to try new things, it may be time to introduce something a little more daring. A threesome can provide couples with a creative new way to explore their desires and can inject a little excitement. Although you may both be willing to try something different, you may struggle to suggest getting naughty and nasty with a third party.

December 3, 2013

So you are having, or thinking about having an affair, but there’s the lurking fear of getting caught. How can you have an affair and keep it a secret? If you decide to take the plunge, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

December 2, 2013


There are some of us who would like to have sex all the time. This is, sadly, impossible. But hey, who needs a bedroom to keep the passion alive? Technology is a wonderful thing and has made it easier to stay in touch (literally) with your partner. Sexting is not just limited to twenty-somethings or teenagers either; couples of all ages can enhance their sex life through some sexy texts.

November 29, 2013


When we communicate, 80% of this is done through body language. If you watch a movie, when the actors deliver their lines they also have to deliver the right body language. If this is not done successfully, we don’t believe the words that are coming out of their mouths. This applies to us too.

November 28, 2013

For a lot of people in a relationship, anal sex is a term that they seldom talk about. Sex in the vagina is very common; everyone does it. However, many men also want to do it in the ass. Now, obviously many women do not really consent to it so easily; the muscles in the anus aren’t designed for easy penetration, and there have been numerous accidents that have been caused between couples who were trying penetration in the ass.

November 27, 2013

For a lot of women, making sure that their man stays in control is of the utmost importance. Cheating is one of the largest phenomena for men or women, and over the centuries, it has developed significantly

November 26, 2013


Unable to satisfy your man or do you just want to delve deeper in to the male psyche? Most women claim openly that they understand men very deeply and carefully, yet very few women are actually able to understand what her man wants, and when.

November 22, 2013

Liverpool and Everton face off tomorrow in one of the biggest Merseyside derbies for years. The game, which takes place at Everton’s home of Goodison Park, will give a real indication of where both teams are heading this season.

November 21, 2013

David Cameron was left red faced yesterday after appearing to follow a London escort agency on Twitter.

November 20, 2013

Is it just me, or does it seem that every day brings a new story of a politician getting up to something he shouldn’t, and leaving their career in tatters?