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September 25, 2014

Difficulties in life can lead to a dip in bedroom action. It happens. However, a recent survey suggests that we are having less sex now than we were last year.

September 24, 2014

Some women have been known to say that every man tastes different when it comes to giving head and well… swallowing. The famous episode in Sex And The City demonstrates this query well when Samantha tries to make her man’s ‘funky tasting spunk’ more appealing and commences on a mission to change the bitter taste left in her mouth by taking her man to raw food bars.

September 16, 2014

Curiosity and intrigue is what causes most of us to fabricate the fantasy of a threesome in our minds. Even Katy Perry once sang about her own ‘menage a troi’, the fantasy is one which gives a sense of feeling sexually liberated, but there are still things to consider.

September 15, 2014

Here at XEscorts we always like to give sex advice. Usually it is the best way to give you partner the ride of their life, or some other fantastic tips to help you get your days and night go with a bang. However, I have never done anything on what to do if one of the partners has an injury which could make having sex at all very difficult indeed.

September 11, 2014

Most of the time, when the sex goes from a relationship, a lot of people will try to initiate it a few times before giving up completely or seeking someone else to roll in the sheets with. Sometimes, there isn’t much that you can do, but there are certain things you can try to get the sex back.

September 8, 2014

Anal sex is definitely makes it to the top of the fantasy list for most men. But for women, they say anal sex is a little like marmite – you either love it or you hate it. It can be a bit of a taboo subject in some circles, or completely mandatory part of enjoying sex for others.

July 25, 2014

My friends wife got pregnant earlier in this year, and I have to say, he was quite depressed. Not because they were about to bring a child into the world (he couldn’t wait for that) but because he was rather worried his sex life was going to stop for the next seven months.

May 23, 2014


Women are never the most vocal at telling guys they are rubbish in bed. They realise they may sound insulting if they actually said what they were really thinking. Still, there are a number of things that they say that really give the game away.

May 20, 2014

When people are looking for something to help their flagging sex lives, one piece of advice that is usually trotted out is to ‘watch porn together’. This is meant to get you feeling hot and horny again, giving you new ideas to try out with your partner.

May 15, 2014

Here XEscorts, we pride ourselves on giving the best sex advice in the land. We speak to escorts and clients alike on a regular basis, so you can be assured of the quality of our tips. Still, there is some stuff out there on the internet, that even we are slightly taken aback by.